Thursday, June 3, 2021


 Saturday April 24th was qualifying day for the big opening of the 2021 ANRA season. The driver (that's me) was a little rusty on Friday during the completion of the 2020 season...so we went into qualifying to try to lay down a pair of consistent passes. 

On time run number one I cut an .015 light and ran a respectable 10.470 so that was good.
On run number two I cut an .023 light and then fell back into my bad ways and was terribly late on the 2-3 shift.  It ran a 10.542.

That didn't give me a whole lot of confidence, so when Eliminations Round 1 came up we dialed a 10.48 and went for it.  I cut an .033 light and ran 10.501 to take the win.  Not bad!

Then when round 2 came up we left the dial at 10.48.  I cut another .033 light but this time I fell asleep on the 2-3 shift again....and ran a losing 10.570!

Needless to say, the driver has some work to do before we head out to the 2021 Spring Nationals on June 11-13!!

On a bright note Zack, the cat in the bitchin' topolino, showed up and presented me with this rendering of the hot rod. 👆  He used a pic which I had purchased from Leo "one pic at a time" Lopez and then zapped it with an app to make this cool effect.  

                                            There were over 100 cars in the Hot Rod class!

On Monday after the toys were put away, Kenny the nuke, Wingman and I dropped into Beerwood Tavern for a couple brewskies and a bite to eat.

We're now getting ready for ANRA number 2. Time to do some damage! 

SLORacer. Out.