Thursday, March 11, 2010

2010 March Meet Revisited

The 2010 March Meet concluded on Monday. What a great time to take a few minutes to revisit/relive the event! I have to tell you, I didn't actually make it to Bakersfield to witness or participate. I was ambivilent about the weather, and unsure I wanted to make the drive (5 hour round trip) with the threat of rain looming. But then, as the weather began to look like it would cooperate, I found myself sitting around the house feeling like I was really missing out! I mean this was one of the biggest March Meets since it fell off of the NHRA premier series and came back as a Nostalgia Race. Grand Marshall - John Force! Among the funny car drivers - Gary Denshem, Robert Hight, Ron Capps, and the relative newcommer (and event winner) Lea Pruett-LeDuc! Plus 13 other classes, and a car show like you can't believe.

The race gods smiled on me when I went to Famoso Raceway's facebook page and found a link to Bangshift.com ! These guys are AWESOME! They were live streaming video and audio of the whole event. It was the next best thing to being there. In fact if I just could have opened a can of nitro and taken an occassional whif...

The pics below are "borrowed" from their site. I recommend you go here and have a look. You'll find replays of the event and hundreds of photos. You can relive the whole thing over and over! See ya there!

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